Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (QPCR) for the identification and quantification of Streptococcus Mutans in saliva and dental biofilm in children


  • Gustavo Adolfo Moncada-Cortés Universidad Mayor de Santiago
  • Lorena del Carmen Duperat Universidad de Chile
  • Patricia Palma Universidad de Chile
  • Gino Corsini Universidad Autónoma de Chile
  • Miguel Neira Universidad de Chile
  • Evelyn Reyes Universidad de Chile
  • Osmir Batista Oliveira-Junior Universidade Estadual Paulista
  • Simone Faleiros Universidad de Chile
  • Valeria Gordan University of Florida
  • Ismael Yévenes Universidad de Chile



S. muntans, qPCR, gtfB gen, Dental biofilm, Saliva


Introduction: the objective of this study was to use real-time qPCR to identify and quantify the Streptococcus mutans species in samples of saliva and dental biofilm. Methods: 27 children were randomly chosen with the following criteria: 8 years of age, low socio-economic levels, residing in the northern metropolitan area of Santiago de Chile; they were asked to attend an appointment while fasting with no teeth brushing for at least 12 hours, in order to collect non-stimulated saliva and a pool of supragingival dental biofilm of all the mesio-vestibular sides of anterior and posterior teeth. The amount of S. mutans in the samples was quantified by qPCR using primers that amplify a fragment of the gtfB gene of S. mutans. Results: the amplification showed 98% efficiency with a fluorescence of 3.36 cycles. The melting curve presented a single maximum at the same temperature for all samples. Conclusion: the methodology allows the specific identification and quantification of gene gtfB of S. mutans in saliva and dental biofilm in a quick and reliable manner, contributing to the identification of individual cariogenic risk.

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Author Biographies

Gustavo Adolfo Moncada-Cortés, Universidad Mayor de Santiago

DDS, PhD, Dental School, Universidad Mayor, Santiago, Chile 

Lorena del Carmen Duperat, Universidad de Chile

DDS, Chemistry, Basic Science Department, Dental School, Universidad de Chile

Patricia Palma, Universidad de Chile

DDS, Microbiology, Departament of Oral Pathology, Dental School, Universidad de Chile

Gino Corsini, Universidad Autónoma de Chile

BQ Centro de Investigación Biomédica, School of Health Sciences, Universidad Autónoma de Chile 

Miguel Neira, Universidad de Chile

BQ, Chemistry, Basic Science Department, Dental School, Universidad de Chile 

Evelyn Reyes, Universidad de Chile

DDS, Chemistry, Basic Science Department, Dental School, Universidad de Chile

Osmir Batista Oliveira-Junior, Universidade Estadual Paulista

DDS PhD, Universidade Estadual Paulista, UNESP, School of Dentistry, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Araraquara, Brazil 

Simone Faleiros, Universidad de Chile

DDS PhD Cariology, Dental School, Universidad de Chile

Valeria Gordan, University of Florida

DDS MS Department of Restorative Dentistry, Division of Operative Dentistry Department, College of Dentistry, University of Florida

Ismael Yévenes, Universidad de Chile

BQ Chemistry, Basic Science, Dental School, Universidad de Chil


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How to Cite

Moncada-Cortés, G. A., Duperat, L. del C., Palma, P., Corsini, G., Neira, M., Reyes, E., Oliveira-Junior, O. B., Faleiros, S., Gordan, V., & Yévenes, I. (2016). Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (QPCR) for the identification and quantification of Streptococcus Mutans in saliva and dental biofilm in children. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 28(1), 71–94.