Complications associated with le fort I osteotomy


  • Francisco L. Duque-S. Universidad de Antioquia
  • Pedro M. Jaramillo-V. Universidad de Antioquia



Le Fort I osteotomy, Complications, Vascular ischemia, Postoperative bleeding


Le Fort I osteotomy has become a routine procedure in elective orthognathic surgery. The authors report the occurrence of intra and post operative complications in Le Fort I osteotomy. The Le Fort I osteotomy is related to a variety of complications. A precise assessment of complications might be helpful for the patient, the orthodontist, and the surgeon in order to estimate the benefit of an elective operation versus its immanent risks. Knowledge of complications also might help to prevent their occurrence and facilitate their management. The aim of this review was to report the types and frequencies of intra- and post operative complications related to Le Fort I osteotomy. This review presents surgical complications in the following order: Ophthalmic complications, Vascular complications, Cavernous sinus fistula, Ischemic complications including aseptic necrosis, swelling, significant infections such as abscesses or maxillary sinusitis, Nerve injures, unfavorable esthetic results, unfavorable pulpal reactions and other unusual complications.

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Author Biographies

Francisco L. Duque-S., Universidad de Antioquia

Odontólogo, Especialista en Estomatología. Cirugía Oral y Máxilo facial. Alta Gerencia. Profesor Titular Facultad de Odontología, Universidad de Antioquia. Medellín, Colombia.

Pedro M. Jaramillo-V., Universidad de Antioquia

Odontólogo, Especialista en Odontología Integral del Adolescente y Ortodoncia. Profesor Asociado Facultad de Odontología, Universidad de Antioquia. Medellín, Colombia.



How to Cite

Duque-S., F. L., & Jaramillo-V., P. M. (2009). Complications associated with le fort I osteotomy. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 20(2), 205–221.