Prevalence of chronic apical periodontitis in endodontically treated teeth in the academic community at Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Pasto, 2008


  • Ana Cristina Mafla-Chamorro Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia - Pasto
  • Norma Alejandra Luna-Jaramillo Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia - Pasto
  • Angie Ximena Santacruz-Insuasty Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia - Pasto
  • Brayan David Palacios-Córdoba Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia - Pasto



Prevalence, Chronic apical periodontitis, Endodontics, Restoration


Introduction: to determine the prevalence of chronic apical periodontitis in endodontically treated teeth in the academic community at Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Pasto. Methods: a cross-sectional study was designed where a sample of 37 individuals and 49 endodontically treated teeth were included. They were screened by two examiners to determine the prevalence of chronic apical periodontitis and related variables such as age, gender, teeth, quality of endodontic filling, dental caries, and type and quality of restoration. Inter-examiner Cohen’s Kappa index was done. Results: chronic apical periodontitis (CAP) was evident in 79.6% of all endodontic treated teeth. Of teeth with CAP, 56.4% belonged to men and 43.6% to women. Premolars had a greater prevalence of chronic apical periodontitis than molars. According to endodontic fillings seal, only 24.3% with adequate seal did not have chronic apical periodontitis. The 12.2% of the endodontically treated teeth were considered technically adequate. Teeth restored with composite had severe CAP. Conclusions: this study determined that in this population there is a high prevalence of chronic apical periodontitis. Variables such as gender, type of tooth, root filling quality, dental caries and restoration quality influence the CAP presence.

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Author Biographies

Ana Cristina Mafla-Chamorro, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia - Pasto

Odontóloga, MSP. Directora Grupo de Investigaciones en Odontología - GIOD. Facultad de Odontología Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia – Pasto.

Norma Alejandra Luna-Jaramillo, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia - Pasto

Estudiante de Odontología X semestre. Facultad de Odontología Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia – Pasto.

Angie Ximena Santacruz-Insuasty, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia - Pasto

Estudiante de Odontología X semestre. Facultad de Odontología Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia – Pasto.

Brayan David Palacios-Córdoba, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia - Pasto

Estudiante de Odontología IX semestre. Facultad de Odontología Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia – Pasto.



How to Cite

Mafla-Chamorro, A. C., Luna-Jaramillo, N. A., Santacruz-Insuasty, A. X., & Palacios-Córdoba, B. D. (2009). Prevalence of chronic apical periodontitis in endodontically treated teeth in the academic community at Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Pasto, 2008. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 21(1), 42–49.