Diagnóstico y tratamiento temprano de la malposición intralveolar de caninos permanentes


  • Libbe Mariaca-de Botero Universidad de Antioquia
  • Paola Botero-Mariaca Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia - Universidad CES




Eruption anomalies, Ectopic eruption, Impacted canines


Early treatment is a procedure taken into account during the recent years among hea/th professionals, especia/ly dentists. lmpacted canines are considered as an eruption anomaly between occlusal alterations. In our country we found it to be very common and yet we do not know the real incidence. Canine development is unique because of the long path it has to travel in its way to erupt and therefore, it is very important to keep a good control on i1s eruption path. Early diagnosis has to be done in the mixed dentition period with the use of clinical analysis and radiographs.

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How to Cite

Mariaca-de Botero, L., & Botero-Mariaca, P. (2009). Diagnóstico y tratamiento temprano de la malposición intralveolar de caninos permanentes. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 13(2), 21–29. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rfo.2486

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