¿Teratoma? La importancia de los antecedentes clínicas


  • Marino Aquino-Ignacio Universidad Autónoma de México
  • Julián Sánchez Hospital Inglés ABC, Ciudad de México
  • Francisco E. Eraso Private Practice




Colon, Sigmoid, Teratoma


In this report, we presented the clinical history of a 12 year old male patient, who was send to abdominal surgery because of an intraluminal foreign body in the sigmoid colon. It hapenned to be a molar tooth in additon to a peri-injlamatory obstructive reaction of the area. The diagnosis before the patient was admitted in the hospital was an abdominal teratoma. A series of characteristics in the diferential diagnosis gave us the conclusive diagnosis of a foreign body in the sigmoidal region. A brief review of teratomas is presented in addition to imaging criteria to support it s diagnosis.

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How to Cite

Aquino-Ignacio, M., Sánchez, J., & Eraso, F. E. (2009). ¿Teratoma? La importancia de los antecedentes clínicas. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 13(2), 76–78. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rfo.2492