Gingival lipoma: a case report


  • Pablo Emilio Molano-Valencia Universidad del Valle
  • Vanessa Alejandra Betancourt-Rivera Universidad del Valle
  • Lina María Ruiz-Mazuera Universidad del Valle



Lipoma, Adipose tissue, Oral cavity


The lipoma is a benign neoplasm of slow growth composed of mature fatty cells, usually surrounded by a thin fibrous capsule. It does not commonly appear in the oral cavity, corresponding to 0.1 to 5% of benign tumors of the mouth. This article presents the case of a 76-year-old female patient with a lesion on papilla and vestibular area between molars 46 and 47, measuring approximately 1.3 x 1.0 cm. The lesion was nucleated and subjected to histological examination, being compatible with a lipoma. This article describes its clinical features, differential diagnosis with other diseases of the oral cavity, and its respective management.

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Author Biographies

Pablo Emilio Molano-Valencia, Universidad del Valle

DDM, Specialist in Periodontics. Universidad del Valle. Associate Professor, Department of Periodontics. Dental Program, Universidad Santiago de Cali, Colombia. Assistant Professor at the undergraduate and graduate Periodontics Program, School of Dentistry. Universidad del Valle, Colombia

Vanessa Alejandra Betancourt-Rivera, Universidad del Valle

DDM, Intern at the Graduate Program in Periodontics, Universidad del Valle

Lina María Ruiz-Mazuera, Universidad del Valle

DDM, Intern at the Graduate Program in Periodontics, Universidad del Valle


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How to Cite

Molano-Valencia, P. E., Betancourt-Rivera, V. A., & Ruiz-Mazuera, L. M. (2017). Gingival lipoma: a case report. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 29(1), 211–221.

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