Correlación de las pruebas de susceptibilidad a la caries: recuentos de lactobacilos y candida en niños escolares de 9 a 11 años en Caldas, Antioquia, Colombia


  • Luz Ines Sierra Universidad de Antioquia
  • Maria del Socorro Estrada Universidad de Antioquia
  • Maria Elena Galeano Universidad de Antioquia
  • Diana Maria Gaviria Universidad de Antioquia
  • Patricia Alvarez Universidad de Antioquia
  • Beatriz Restrepo Universidad de Antioquia
  • Carlos Mario Parra Universidad de Antioquia
  • Luz Elena Lopera Universidad de Antioquia



Caries, Lactobacilli, Candida


In the present work we studied, the correlation betwen sucrose intake and caries (DFs), in 195 school children between the age of 9 to 11 years old from Caldas, Antioquia, Colombia. In the same sample, parallel works were conducted to study salivary buffer capacity, "mutans" Streptococci, and sucrose intake. This population didn't have fluoride in the water supply, but have preventive annual program of topical fluoride, a regular oral higiene (Plaque index 1.35) and high caries scores (DFs = 13.6). The salivary Lactobacilli counts were positive (>1^5 CFU/ml) in 2 thirds of the sample. Our results didn't show correlation between de DFs score and Lactobacilli salivary counts and either between Candida salivary counts. Only 14.2% of the children had Candida in saliva. The correlation between these results and the parallel studies had shown low correlation in the high DFs score group, between sucrose intake and the salivary Lactobacillus counts. None of these show correlations with Streptococcus of "mutans" group counts or buffer capacity.

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How to Cite

Sierra, L. I., Estrada, M. del S., Galeano, M. E., Gaviria, D. M., Alvarez, P., Restrepo, B., Parra, C. M., & Lopera, L. E. (2016). Correlación de las pruebas de susceptibilidad a la caries: recuentos de lactobacilos y candida en niños escolares de 9 a 11 años en Caldas, Antioquia, Colombia. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 6(2), 15–20.

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