Oroantral communications: a literature review and update





Oroantal fistula, Sinusitis, Maxillary sinus, Surgery, Oral


Introduction: the Oroantral Communication (OAC) is the space that is created between the maxillary sinus and the oral cavity, which if not treated will progress to an Oroantral Fistula (OAF) or chronic sinus disease. The most common predisposing factor for a COA is the extraction of the upper posterior teeth (usually the first or second molars). The aim of this study was to carry out a literature review with emphasis on clinical implications and treatment alternatives of a COA through an update and review of information of interest. Methods: a literature review was carried out through a collection and analysis of bibliography of oroantral communications and the comparison and treatment alternatives. Discussion: various techniques have been proposed for the management of an AOC, among which are local flaps, as well as the use of biomaterials, which have given favorable results in closing the defect. Conclusion: the treatment of an AOC has as purpose to prevent its progression to an AFO, the development of sinusitis and/or that the defect increases; To do this, the clinician must be familiar with the various techniques based on the patient's needs.

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Author Biographies

Agustín Alejandro Vallejo-Rodas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

DDS, Residente de cirugía oral y maxilofacial, División de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación (DEPeI) en Odontología, Universidad Autónoma de México UNAM

Fabiola Salgado-Chavarría, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

DDS, CMF, PhD. Adscrita al departamento de cirugía oral y maxilofacial de División de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación (DEPeI) en Odontología, Universidad Autónoma de México UNAM


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How to Cite

Vallejo-Rodas, A. A., & Salgado-Chavarría, F. (2023). Oroantral communications: a literature review and update. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 35(1), 47–71. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rfo.v35n1a4