Knowledge, beliefs and limitations on the use of orthodontic in Paraguay
Self concept, Malocclusion, Dental care for chronically ill, Orthodontics, health financingAbstract
Introduction: Malocclusion is a significant oral health issue, with prevalence rates among children and adolescents ranging from 39% to 93%. The objective of this study was to describe the knowledge, beliefs, and limitations regarding the use of orthodontic appliances in a group of Paraguayans in 2022. Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional observational study. The questionnaire consisted of 18 questions covering knowledge about malocclusion and related oral diseases, beliefs regarding orthodontic treatment, and barriers to seeking such care. The sample was non-probabilistic and selected for convenience. Results: A total of 193 participants were included in the study, with a mean age of 33 ± 12 years, of whom 75.13 % were women. Among them, 65.28 % were aware of the importance of proper occlusion, and 28.50 % knew that the premature loss of primary teeth could lead to malocclusion. A total of 87.56 % demonstrated sufficient knowledge (≥6 correct answers) about malocclusion. Among all respondents, 17.10 % did not complete their orthodontic treatment. The most reported barrier to accessing orthodontic care among these individuals was the difficulty in financing the treatment (81.15 %). However, 53.28 % believed they needed orthodontic treatment. Conclusion: Most respondents had sufficient knowledge about malocclusion. Half of them believed they needed orthodontic treatment. The primary reported barrier to seeking care was financial constraints.
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