Balance de nitrógeno y fósforo de vacas lecheras en pastoreo con diferentes ofertas de kikuyo (Pennisetum clandestinum) suplementadas con ensilaje de avena (Avena sativa)


  • Javier M. León
  • José E. Mojica
  • Edwin Castro
  • Edgar A. Cárdenas
  • Martha L. Pabón
  • Juan E. Carulla



environmental pollution, forage intake, milk yield, mineral excretion



Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P) have been implicated in environmental pollution. To evaluate N a P balance, eighteen lactating multiparous Holstein cows grazing kikuyu in the Livestock Center Marengo in Mosquera (Cundinamarca, Colombia). The treatments consisting three allowances of oat silage 0, 0.7 and 1.4 kg/100 kg of body weight. This daily allowance was completed with kikuyu on grazing to obtain a total dry matter allowance of 4kg/100 kg of body weight. The kikuyu and silage ratio was 4:0; 3.3:0.7 and 2.6:1.4 for treatments 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Cows received a commercial balanced feed 1kg for each 4.2kg of milk, and it was maintained during all the experimental period. This period lasted 14 days and consisted of 7 adaptation days and 7 experimental days. Individual milk production was measured (AM PM) and samples of urine and feces were taken on days 0, 7 and 14 to determine N and P. Urine volume was estimated using creatinine and dry matter intake using chromium (feces volume) and Indigestible Acid Detergent Fiber (Digestibility). N intake (667.8 g/d) and urine N excretion (240.6 g/d) was greater for cows on treatment 1 than for treatment 2 (560.7 and 199.7 g/d respectively) and for treatment 3 (594.8 and 200.8 g/d) respectively. However no differences were found on the efficiency of N utilization that was 15.6; 16.6 and 15.1 % for treatments 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Daily P intakes (98.2; 85.9 and 93.4 g/d), P excretion in urine (0.43; 0.42; and 0.35 g/d) and P excretion in feces (91.8; 100.7 and 108.6) were not different between treatments, however phosphorus balance was positive and greater for cows on treatment 1 (5.9 g/d) than cows in treatments 2 and 3 (-15.5, and -15.6 g/d, respectively).

Key words: environmental pollution, forage intake, milk yield, mineral excretion.



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How to Cite

León, J. M., Mojica, J. E., Castro, E., Cárdenas, E. A., Pabón, M. L., & Carulla, J. E. (2009). Balance de nitrógeno y fósforo de vacas lecheras en pastoreo con diferentes ofertas de kikuyo (Pennisetum clandestinum) suplementadas con ensilaje de avena (Avena sativa). Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Pecuarias, 21(4), 12.



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