Descripción morfológica de Cotylophoron cotylophorum (Digenea: Paramphistomidae) hallado en bovinos de Rionegro, Antioquia, Colombia
Bos taurus, Digenea, Lymnaea truncatula, paramfistomosisAbstract
The presence of Paramphistomidae parasites (Trematoda: Digenea) inside the rumen (first stomach) has been recorded in Colombia in cattle from the Caribbean coast, the Eastern Plains region in the east, and the southwest of the country. However, studies on the presence and prevalence of the parasite do not include any morphological description. This study includes research findings from adult Paramphistomidae parasites in the rumen of Bos taurus specimens from Llanogrande in the municipality of Rionegro, Antioquia. The aim of this research was to describe all the developmental stages of the parasite and to establish its specific taxonomical status. 52 live adult parasites were found in the rumen of a female Bos taurus sacrificed in the slaughter house Central Ganadera of Medellin. Eggs from adults were obtained in the laboratory, and hatching was stimulated to obtain miracidia. 50 Lymnaea truncatula snails were exposed to the miracidia, resulting in an infection rate of 5.1 %. The parasite was identified as Cotylophoron cotylophorum by using adult morphology and larval stages. This finding expands the parasite's geographical and altitudinal distribution to the andean highlands in northwestern Colombia.
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