Effect of dietary addition of unprocessed, autoclaved or pre germinated fenugreek seeds on laying hens’ performance and egg quality


  • Besma Omri University of Carthage
  • Raja Chalghoumi University of Carthage
  • Hédi Abdouli University of Carthage




cholesterol, egg quality, triglycerides, yolk color


Background: previous studies have shown that fenugreek seed given at 6 g/hen/d in an attempt to reduce yolk cholesterol tended to reduce laying performance and that autoclaving and pre-germination improved its in vitro nutritional values. Objective: to evaluate the effect of dietary addition of unprocessed (UPFS), autoclaved (AFS) or pre-germinated (PGFS) fenugreek seeds on laying hens’ performance, egg physical characteristics and chemical composition. Methods: forty-eight 31 week-old Novogen white laying hens were divided into four groups and given 100 g/hen/d of a basal diet containing 0 (control) or 5.7 g of UPFS, AFS, or PGFS during nine weeks. Repeated and non-repeated data were analyzed using the Mixed and GLM procedures, respectively. Results: diet, week on diet and their interaction affected consumption (p<0.05). Laying rate was not affected (p>0.05) by week on diet but was reduced (p<0.05) by UPFS-diet. Moreover, UPFS-diet reduced (p<0.05) daily egg mass production. Feed conversion ratio was not affected (p>0.05) by dietary treatment or by week on diet. Egg, yolk, albumen and shell weights were affected (p<0.05) by week on diet but not by diet nor diet-week interaction. Dietary inclusion of fenugreek seeds did not affect total egg crude protein, yolk lipids, and triglyceride nor yolk cholesterol contents. Conclusion: unprocessed fenugreek reduced laying rate and daily egg mass production, but these effects were removed by autoclaving or pre-germination. Further investigations are needed to evaluate the impact of fenugreek seeds dietary supplementation on fatty acids profile and lipid peroxidation.

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Author Biographies

Besma Omri, University of Carthage

MSc., Laboratory of Improvement and Integrated Development of Animal Productivity and Food Resources, Department of Animal Production, Higher School of Agriculture of Mateur, University of Carthage, Tunisia.

Raja Chalghoumi, University of Carthage

PhD., Laboratory of Improvement and Integrated Development of Animal Productivity and Food Resources, Department of Animal Production, Higher School of Agriculture of Mateur, University of Carthage, Tunisia.

Hédi Abdouli, University of Carthage

PhD., Laboratory of Improvement and Integrated Development of Animal Productivity and Food Resources, Department of Animal Production, Higher School of Agriculture of Mateur, University of Carthage, Tunisia.


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How to Cite

Omri, B., Chalghoumi, R., & Abdouli, H. (2017). Effect of dietary addition of unprocessed, autoclaved or pre germinated fenugreek seeds on laying hens’ performance and egg quality. Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Pecuarias, 30(2), 147–158. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rccp.v30n2a06



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