Use of liquid vinasse as a feed additive for Japanese quails


  • Poliana C. Martins Goiano Federal Institute
  • María C. de Oliveira Goiano Federal Institute, University of Rio Verde
  • Diones M. da Silva University of Rio Verde
  • Sabina A. Mesquita University of Rio Verde
  • Higor C. Oliveira University of Rio Verde
  • Wilson A. Marchesin Agroindustrial Cooperative of Rural Producers of Southwest Goiás



chemical composition, egg quality, layers, organic acids, sugarcane by-products


Background: Liquid vinasse (LV) has probiotic properties and low pH. It is fed to animals as a solution to the disposal problem of this by-product. Objective: To evaluate the effects of increasing dietary  levels of LV on growing performance, egg quality and economic viability for Japanese quails. Methods: One hundred sixty Japanese quails were included in a randomized study with five dietary treatments and four replicates per treatment. The treatments consisted of adding 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, or 10% LV to a commercial quail feed for 84 d. Results: The LV inclusion resulted in a linear decrease in daily intake of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), gross energy, calcium, phosphorus, and in the feed conversion ratio. However, it resulted in a linear increase in egg-specific weight, eggshell weight, CP content in the DM, and a quadratic change in the ether extract content of the egg. The price per dozen eggs decreased linearly with the inclusion of LV. Conclusion: The best results were obtained by adding 10% LV, which made egg production more profitable.

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Author Biographies

Poliana C. Martins, Goiano Federal Institute

MSc., Goiano Federal Institute, Rio Verde, Brazil.

María C. de Oliveira, Goiano Federal Institute, University of Rio Verde

PhD., Goiano Federal Institute, Rio Verde, Brazil. University of Rio Verde, Rio Verde, Brazil.

Diones M. da Silva, University of Rio Verde

MSc., University of Rio Verde, Rio Verde, Brazil.

Sabina A. Mesquita, University of Rio Verde

BVM., University of Rio Verde, Rio Verde, Brazil.

Higor C. Oliveira, University of Rio Verde

PhD., University of Rio Verde, Rio Verde, Brazil.

Wilson A. Marchesin, Agroindustrial Cooperative of Rural Producers of Southwest Goiás

PhD., Agroindustrial Cooperative of Rural Producers of Southwest Goiás (COMIGO), Rio Verde, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Martins, P. C., de Oliveira, M. C., da Silva, D. M., Mesquita, S. A., Oliveira, H. C., & Marchesin, W. A. (2017). Use of liquid vinasse as a feed additive for Japanese quails. Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Pecuarias, 30(4), 278–285.



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