Ultrasound diagnosis of lateral digital extensor muscle, tendon, and synovial sheath alterations in Colombian creole horses with clinical signs of tarsus hyperflexion


  • Fernando E. Vega University of Tolima
  • José R. Martínez University of Antioquia




equine, hock hyperflexion, locomotion, mechanical claudication, stenosing tenosynovitis


Background: Tarsus hyperflexion alters locomotion biomechanics in horses. This alteration is of frequent presentation in the Colombian creole horse (CCH). Objective: To determine the echographic alterations of lateral digital extensor (LDE) muscle, tendon, and synovial sheath in CCH with clinical signs of tarsus hyperflexion. Methods: Thirty horses were divided into two groups: 15 healthy horses with no history of locomotion defects (Group 1; control), and 15 horses with clinical signs of tarsus hyperflexion (Group 2). A cross-sectional and a longitudinal echocardiographic examination of the LDE muscle and tendon was performed in all horses, and a histopathological study was performed only to Group 2. Results: 86.7% of the horses showed echographic alterations, with 53.4% showing signs of adhesions in the LDE muscle and tendon in the lateral surface of the hock, where it crosses the tarsus. 33.3% presented increased tendon sinovial sheath fluid. 13.3% showed no echographic alterations and 53.3% presented histopathological alterations. Conclusion: These findings may be related to the presentation of tarsus hyperflexion that could characterize the classic stringhalt in CCH.

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Author Biographies

Fernando E. Vega, University of Tolima

VMZ, MS, cPhD., Associate Professor, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics, University of Tolima, Ibagué, Tolima, Colombia.

José R. Martínez, University of Antioquia

VMZ, MS, PhD., Research Line in Equine Medicine and Surgery (LIMCE), Centauro Research Group, School of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Agrarian Sciences, University of Antioquia (UdeA), Medellín, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Vega, F. E., & Martínez, J. R. (2018). Ultrasound diagnosis of lateral digital extensor muscle, tendon, and synovial sheath alterations in Colombian creole horses with clinical signs of tarsus hyperflexion. Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Pecuarias, 31(3), 188–195. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rccp.v31n3a03



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