Multivariate relationship among pH, subcutaneous fat thickness, and color in bovine meat using canonical correlation analysis


  • Julián A. C. Vargas Federal Rural University of the Amazon
  • João E. de S. Coutinho Federal Rural University of the Amazon
  • Daiany I. Gomes Federal Rural University of the Amazon
  • Kaliandra S. Alves Federal Rural University of the Amazon
  • Raylon P. Maciel Federal Rural University of the Amazon
  • Rafael Mezzomo Federal Rural University of the Amazon



beef, beef cuts, beef quality, bovine meat, canonical correlation analysis, cattle meat, meat, meat color, multivariate statistics, muscle biochemistry, organoleptic characteristics, pH, ruminant, subcutaneous fat thickness


Background: pH, subcutaneous fat thickness (SFT), and color are fundamental variables to define the organoleptic characteristics of meat. However, multivariate relationships of those traits remain unexplored in bovine meat. Objective: To investigate the multivariate relationships among pH, subcutaneous fat thickness, and color parameters in bovine meat using canonical correlation analysis. Methods: A dataset containing 173 individual records of pH, SFT, and color parameters (a*: intensity of red color, b*: intensity of yellow color, and L*: lightness) from five Brazilian beef cut types (Breed: Nellore; cuts: acém, contrafilé, fraldinha, patinho and picanha) was constructed. Multivariate relationships between color variables (a*, b*, and L*) and chemical variables (pH and SFT) were explored using the CANCORR procedure of SAS. Results: Two canonical correlations between U (a*, b*, and L*; color variables) and V (pH and SFT; chemical variables) variates were significant (p<0.01). First and second canonical correlations were 0.463 and 0.282, respectively. Canonical weights for variates were for U1: a* = 0.707, b* = 0.406, and L* = -0.039; U2: a* = 0.364, b* = -0.898, and L* = 1.234; V1: pH = -0.376 and SFT = 0.935; V2: pH = 0.927 and STF = 0.356. Conclusion: Subcutaneous fat thickness significantly affected intensity of red and yellow colors, whereas pH significantly affected lightness. The results of this study may be useful for a better understanding of the role of muscle metabolism and its implications on the organoleptic characteristics of bovine meat.

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Author Biographies

Julián A. C. Vargas, Federal Rural University of the Amazon
Department of Zootechnics, Federal Rural University of the Amazon, Parauapebas Campus, Parauapebas, Pará, Brazil.

João E. de S. Coutinho, Federal Rural University of the Amazon
Department of Zootechnics, Federal Rural University of the Amazon, Parauapebas Campus, Parauapebas, Pará, Brazil.

Daiany I. Gomes, Federal Rural University of the Amazon
Department of Zootechnics, Federal Rural University of the Amazon, Parauapebas Campus, Parauapebas, Pará, Brazil.

Kaliandra S. Alves, Federal Rural University of the Amazon
Department of Zootechnics, Federal Rural University of the Amazon, Parauapebas Campus, Parauapebas, Pará, Brazil.

Raylon P. Maciel, Federal Rural University of the Amazon
Department of Zootechnics, Federal Rural University of the Amazon, Parauapebas Campus, Parauapebas, Pará, Brazil.

Rafael Mezzomo, Federal Rural University of the Amazon
Department of Zootechnics, Federal Rural University of the Amazon, Parauapebas Campus, Parauapebas, Pará, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Vargas, J. A. C., Coutinho, J. E. de S., Gomes, D. I., Alves, K. S., Maciel, R. P., & Mezzomo, R. (2020). Multivariate relationship among pH, subcutaneous fat thickness, and color in bovine meat using canonical correlation analysis. Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Pecuarias, 34(2), 117–125.



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