Mesenteric metastasis of granulosa cell tumor in a bitch: a case report
bitch, canine, carcinoma, echography, granulosa, histopathology, histology, neoplasia, reproductive system, ovary, ovarian cancer, ovarian tumor, tumor, ultrasound, ultrasonography, vaginal discharge, veterinary pathologyAbstract
Anamnesis: A 5-year-old mixed breed entire bitch was presented with bloody vaginal discharge and abdominal distension. Clinical and laboratory findings: Physical examination and abdominal ultrasonography suggested the presence of a left ovarian tumor. At histopathological examination it was diagnosed as granulosa cell tumor. Treatment approach: An exploratory laparotomy was performed followed by ovariohysterectomy to remove the intra-abdominal mass. Conclusion: The clinical, ultrasonographic and histologic signs in this case support other literature reports. Ultrasonography, in combination with histopathologic analysis is a fundamental tool for detection of ovarian tumors, especially tumors of the granulosa cells.
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