Adenocarcinoma in the jejunum of a dog: a case report
DOI: clave:
enteroanastomosis, intestino, neoplasia, obstrucciónResumen
A 10-year-old male Pit-bull was attended for presenting sporadic vomiting and occasional diarrhea. In the last 48 hours the patient had presented multiple vomiting and no oral food was tolerated. During the physical examination an abdominal cranial mass was palpated. Survey radiographs of the abdomen and contrast study with barium sulfate suspension showed an accumulation of a radiopaque material causing an intestinal obstruction pattern. During the surgical exploration, the foreign material was extracted from the jejunum using an enterotomy, but an intramural mass was detected occluding the lumen at this point. A complete bowel resection was performed in the intestinal loop affected by the tumor and an end-to-end anastomosis was performed. The histologic examinations revealed an adenocarcinoma involving the entire intestinal wall. The patient recovered from the surgical procedure and no signs of metastasis have been proved nine months after the surgery.
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