The school in a hyper-connected world. Nets instead of walls?


  • Paula Sibilia


digital communication and information devices, body, subjectivity, school and technology, school as technology, traditional school, capitalist school, school in the digital era, disciplinary societies, societies of control.


This article starts by asking about the validity and sense of school in the contemporary world, in particular about the relationships with the transformations that have affected the subjectivities and the bodies for which this institution was originally conceived, and whose relationships are now conflictive, especially due to the strong influence performed by the digital devices of communication and information. The hypothesis is that the school, conceived as a “technology”, is not compatible with the bodies and the subjectivities of today’s youngsters, whose forms of being and staying in the world are more connected to the devices characteristics of contemporary world: not only social nets, e-mails, and cell phones, but also GPS’s, credit cards, and programs of enterprise fidelity. The author concludes by asking about the capacity of the school to resist such a mutation, and whether that old structure will be in conditions to adapt to the new rules of game, transforming into an effective and interesting device to produce the bodies and the subjectivities that we wish.


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Author Biography

Paula Sibilia

Doctor in Collective Health (IMS-UERJ, 2006) and Doctor in Communication and Culture (ECO-UFRJ, 2008). Professor of the postgraduate degree in Communication (PPGCOM) and of the Department of Cultural and Media Studies of the Fluminense Federal University (UFF), as well as a research fellow at the CNPq and FAPERJ institutions. In 2012 he will carry out a post-doctorate at the University of Paris VIII, France.


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Foucault, Michel, 1976, Vigilar y castigar, México, Siglo XXI.

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How to Cite

Sibilia, P. (2013). The school in a hyper-connected world. Nets instead of walls?. Revista Educación Y Pedagogía, 24(62), 135–144. Retrieved from