Political subjectivity in the civil education of university students. The case of the Microbiology and Bioanalysis Program at Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, 2014
spolitical subjectivity, university students, political participation, university citizen training, higher educationAbstract
In contrast to the alleged banalization of protest and lack of interest in political affairs among university
students, an unprecedented phenomenon of student participation took place in recent years, led by organizations throughout the country against Bill 30 in 2011-2012. Around the political experience of students at the university, the INER Territory Study Group, the School of Communications, the School of Education and the School of Microbiology of Universidad de Antioquia conducted a research project linking the constitution of political subjectivities and the university’s political project in four undergraduate programs: Communications, Social Sciences Education, Sociology (Western Campus), and Microbiology and Bioanalysis. This article contains the findings of the study in the latter.
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