Following the foot-prints of the elders: self-education for the defense of territory and culture
De Los Pastos Peoples, self education, colonization, forms of resistance, indigenous elders.Abstract
In this text, the author points out that: local economies, educational practices around the fire, and oral tradition, constitute all those "little cultural things" that are basic to the processes of resistance to the projects of western homogenization. The author also refers to the principle of responsibility that should guide the exit and return of the new generations that enter the western world through diverse educational programs.
How to reference this article:
Micanquer Cuatín, William Orlando, "Siguiendo las huellas de los mayores: la educación propia para la defensa del territorio y la cultura", Revista Educación y Pedagogía, Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de Educación, vol. xix, núm. 49, (septiembre - diciembre), 2007, pp. 91-94.
Received: july 2007
Accepted: august 2007
Guzmán, Dumer Mamián, Geografía humana de Colombia, vol. 1, tomo 4, Bogotá, Instituto Colombiano de Cultura Hispánica, 1996.
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