The implied meanings of education’s being-together


  • Carlos Skliar FLACSO


Cohabitation, conversation, discourse of the crisis, inclusive education


This text is not just aimed at questioning traditional forms of thinking commonplaces in education, but rather at insisting on a question about cohabitation, about being together in educative institutions. This might be an odd or eccentric question in times when it seems to be that lack of communion, indolence, abandonment, and fear to everything that might (apparently) be strange, intrusive, weak, alien, indecipherable or unknowable are habitual behaviors.


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Author Biography

Carlos Skliar, FLACSO

Ph.D. in Phonology. He did postdoctoral studies in Education (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil and University of Barcelona, ​​Spain). Director of the Education Area (FLACSO, Argentina). Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences, FLACSO, Buenos Aires. National Council for Scientific and Technological Research, CONICET, Argentina.


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How to Cite

Skliar, C. (2011). The implied meanings of education’s being-together. Revista Educación Y Pedagogía, (56), 101–111. Retrieved from


