Discourses shaping EFL teacher's peripheral subjectivity
Foreign language teaching, postcolonial pedagogical practices, peripheral subjectivity, homophonic discourseAbstract
his paper focuses on the non-native-speaker teaching languages traditionally known as “foreign languages” —core languages—. It is stated here that these foreign language teachers are immerse in postcolonialist pedagogical practices paving the way to the development of a “colonialised conciousness”. In order to demonstrate this, this paper brings to discussion these social actors' subjectivity as being built on ideological meanings which are read from contradictory subject positions and conflicting discourses. All of this results in intertexts in conflict within their formation, and might affect pedagogical practices negatively.
How to reference this article:
Dendrinos, Bessie, “Los discursos que moldean la subjetividad periférica del docente de inglés como lengua extranjera”, Revista Educación y Pedagogía, Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de Educación, vol. XX, núm. 51, (mayo-agosto), 2008, pp. 65-76.
Received: february 2008
Accepted: march 2008
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