About the Journal

Focus and scope

 The Journal of Social Work of the University of Antioquia is a biannual academic publication focused on the development of knowledge around the theories, methodologies and ethical-political debates of Social Work, social policy, social intervention and its relations with the social sciences and the humanities.

The journal is made up of an editor, an editorial committee and a scientific committee made up of researchers with extensive recognition and experience in different fields of interest of the journal. This editorial team ensures the quality of the content that is published through an arbitration system carried out by evaluators specialized in the different areas.

The Journal publishes contributions from researchers linked to different centers of knowledge production such as universities, national and international institutes, educational centers, government entities and social and community organizations whose field of action is social work, social intervention , social policies, artistic and cultural practices for social transformation, social sciences and humanities.


Open access policy

The Social Work Journal adopts a policy of open access to all of its content from the day of its publication through the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Colombia License (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 CO).


Transfer of rights policy

From the moment the articles are sent, the authors must fill out the "Transmission of Rights Form" in accordance with the current legal framework, which also states that the article is not being evaluated nor is it linked to another publication process. Through this document, the authors will assign to the University of Antioquia the patrimonial rights to edit, publish, reproduce, distribute copies, prepare derivative works in print, electronic or multimodal formats, as well as to include them in national indexes and international, in databases, in social networks and through the different communication strategies adopted by the Journal of Social Work. In the event that the texts presented are of collective authorship, the different authors must sign the "Transfer of Rights Form".



Editorial and evaluation processThe Journal of Social Work uses a double-blind peer review system for the evaluation of research articles, theoretical or methodological reflections and states of the art or topic reviews. Two evaluators will be assigned to each of the texts. When both reject the text, it is considered rejected. Likewise, it will be considered approved if it is accepted by both evaluators. If there is an approval concept and a rejection concept, it will be sent to a third evaluator. In any case, it is the editorial committee based on the concepts of the evaluators who determine the final publication of the texts.The reviewers of the Journal are selected for their training, their knowledge and their experience in the specific field of the article. The article is sent to the evaluator without informing the identification data. In case of accepting the evaluation of the text, you are given 30 calendar days to issue your concept and recommendations according to the scale of Accepted, Accepted with recommendations and Rejected. At the time of acceptance of the evaluation, the peer reviewers will state in writing that they do not have a conflict of interest that could bias the fair and rigorous evaluation of the contribution. In case of identifying a conflict of interest, said evaluation will not be taken into account and will be replaced by a new arbitration.From this moment on, the editorial coordination of the journal sends the opinion to the author of the text, attaching the recommendations established by the evaluations and the editorial committee. After 15 business days, the author must send the text incorporating the recommendations delivered by those who evaluated it. In their submission, the author must attach, in addition to the corrected article, a report in which they explain the changes made and those that were not, supporting the reasons.After this submission, the editorial coordination determines if the article complies with the recommendations and reserves the right to reject the article if these were not duly and reasonably incorporated. The journal will have up to 15 calendar days to report that the text is rejected for not complying with the recommendations, after this time it is assumed that the contribution meets the requirements for publication.Subsequently, the text will have a style correction, a process that takes up to 30 days. Afterwards, the journal will send the article to its authors for review. final, which must be sent by the author or author within 15 calendar days.During the evaluation and editing process, the editorial coordination may consult the authors to resolve any questions related to the text.Based on these policies, the Editorial Coordination and the Editorial Committee of the Journal of Social Work ultimately decides the publication of the manuscript. This decision will be unappealable.Book reviews, interviews or conversations and translations will be reviewed by the members of the Editorial Committee and the Editorial Coordination who will determine the suitability of the texts to be published. In the case of translations, their relevance will be especially reviewed and the regulations associated with Author's Rights to which there is place will be ensured. If deemed necessary, the concept of peer reviewers may be requested. Code of ethics1. Obligations of the authors• Submit an original manuscript that has not been previously published in any language, in whole or in part, nor is it in the process of being evaluated for publication in another journal.• Recognize the work of others and others properly using the citation systems of sources, publications and other material used for the construction of articles. In the event that the texts incorporate graphic material, it must be duly referenced and must have the written authorization of its authors or persons or institutions that retain their rights of use.• All contributions must declare that there are no conflicts of interest that may have influenced the results obtained or the proposed interpretations. Authors must also indicate any funding from agencies and/or projects from which the research article arises.• The authors and authors must fill out the "Form of assignment of rights." In the case of a collective contribution, the authors must have a mutual agreement on the publication of the text, which will be recorded through said format.• The authors are responsible for the content of their contributions. For this reason, the journal is not responsible for the statements or omissions of each text. The authors must carry out a sufficient bibliographic review that allows them to recognize plural forms and different points of view in the approach to their topics. 2. Obligations of the editorial coordination• Identify the occurrence of plagiarism or other improper practices in the publication.• Decide impartially on the publication of articles strictly adhering to the Editorial Policy and the guidelines established by the editorial and scientific committee.• Guarantee the confidentiality of contributions and the editorial process• Carry out the review of the articles and coordinate the entire process for their publication and dissemination.• Ensure compliance with the times and deadlines established for the Journal, the authors, evaluators and correctors or reviewers.3. Obligations of the editorial committee• Ensure adequate compliance with the editorial process, guaranteeing rigor and contribution to the knowledge of the contributions.• Establish the editorial policy and ensure its effective compliance• Approve the publication plan• Advise the strategic planning of the different components of the magazine• Support in the processes of editorial review, evaluation and selection of academic peers.• Support processes of communication, diffusion and generation of networks for the circulation and social appropriation of knowledge.• Make the magazine visible through its knowledge networks and in dissemination spaces.4. Obligations of the scientific committee• Advise the construction of the editorial policy and its modifications.• Advise and support the assignment of academic peers for the review of contributions• Advise the strategic planning of the magazine• Make the magazine visible through its knowledge networks and in dissemination spaces.5. Obligations of the evaluators• Carry out a rigorous, objective and impartial evaluation of the articles.• Make editorial recommendations on the contributions to be published.• Maintain the confidentiality of the content of the articles and the opinions on them.• Declare when there is a conflict of interest.• Adjust the performance of the evaluations to the response times established in the Editorial Policy.• Identify cases of plagiarism or bad publishing practices and alert the editorial coordination about them.