Reinvention in Social Work : towards an intervention in the new ecologies of the modern world
modern world, complexity, social work, ecologizant intervention, integral well-being, human opportunitiesAbstract
The Social Work must confront to thought revolt, that does proliferates a complex ecelogizated conscience, to break the myopia of our observations in relation to modern relationship life/world/society/ person. We speak about one intellectual rapture that is proved of a original assembly betwéen episteme, techne and phronesis, of which germinates the union of dispersed thoughts, darken neutralities, the spontaneous proposals, o sea, the possible possibilities to provoke a thought revolution, who emerges in half of Social Work own disorder. Aim that adds to take up a cognitive, actitudinal, procedural rearmament, that arises in the disarmament itself of the real of our present reality, stimulating us to an unknown adventure that makes understand to us that the complexity of the modern world stretches to disarm us, learning to think the complexity as fundamental requirement to rearm intellectually. This reinvention takes root in the adventure of accepting the advent of the loss of the future, manifestating the sense of the ambiguity and the uncertainty of to develop, to wake up the self-reflexive conscience and the self-critical rationality in the bosom of our research/intervention, nowadays immersed in the most complex space of the contemporary thing. Matter that únloves us to undressing of uni-dimensional simplifications, to establish mediations between the complexity of what here we will call ecologizant intervention, integral well-being and human opportunities. It is a necessary invitation to admit that the real progress of the Social Work, only, is possible if it neither obeys any objective requirement, does not even depend on historical any guarantee, but eco-re-organizates in the depth of a historical counterfoil temporalizated ofpresent futures.
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