The historical-critical perspective and professional intervention in Social Work


  • Marisol Valencia Orrego University of Antioquia


Social Work, professional intervention, historical-critical perspective, social question


The present article is product of the investigation Contributions of the theoretical-methodological founding of the critical historical perspective to the professional intervention of the Social Work, analyzed through works of Latin American Library of Social Service of the Publishing Cortez between years 1997-2007. In this process, they are related the theoretical-methodological dimension, practical-interventive of social Work from the perspective historical-critic; approaching for it elements of marxist origin that contribute to the profession an analysis perspective and rationality that distance them of the traditional perspective. The contributions realized to the professional intervention are revealed through change of conception of the genesis of the profession and from the insertion in socio-technical division of the work, by means of the intervention in the expressions of the social question through the public and deprived social policy, in the measurement that the social worker is engaged by the State and -in other cases- by the deprived company (third sector), from where several characteristics are come off their task, recognizing for the case, the dialectic rationality and the different conceptions that contribute to understand the intervention from this place.

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Author Biography

Marisol Valencia Orrego, University of Antioquia

Social Worker from the University of Antioquia. Member of the Colectivo de Trabajo Social Crítico Colombia 2009 and currently, member of the research line Social Work and Professional Intervention, attached to the Research Group in Social Intervention of the Department of Social Work of the University of Antioquia.


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How to Cite

Valencia Orrego, M. (2015). The historical-critical perspective and professional intervention in Social Work. Revista Trabajo Social, (12), 45–72. Retrieved from


