Grounded theory: a critical overview


  • Pedro Infante University of Zulia
  • Rauma Rujano University of Zulia
  • Raquel Sáez University of Zulia


grounded theory, qualitative methodology, theory generation


This article focuses on grounded theory, as a method for producing knowledge in the social sciences. It discusses the theoretical rationale supporting this approach, its practical features: uses, precautions (abuse) and the future. The analysis approach derived from the concepts and terms specific to grounded theory, techniques and procedures and current applications of it to contrast it with the uses and abuses that are made of this important research tool. The presentation of the paper is systematized through questions and answers that are offered as a guide for those who start the study of this methodology. Grounded theory constitutes a valuable contribution to the social sciences and especially for qualitative research because it offers a set of tools for building theory. In addition, at the time of generating grounded theory is important to be clear about the process of building theory. The distinction between description, conceptual and theoretical system is essential because these processes provide the guides to explain and predict events. That is, they generate or discover a theory by a probable relationship between concepts and set of concepts. One of the greatest contributions of grounded theory is that it provides rigorous procedures for researchers to examine, refine and develop their ideas and insights about the data.

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Author Biographies

Pedro Infante, University of Zulia

Faculty of Humanities and Education. Professor at the University of Zulia, Maracaibo, State of Zulia, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

Rauma Rujano, University of Zulia

Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences. School of Social Work. Associate Professor at the University of Zulia, Maracaibo, State of Zulia, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Lic. In Social Work.

Raquel Sáez, University of Zulia

Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences. School of Social Work. Associate Professor at the University of Zulia. Lic. Social Work, Master in Guidance. University of Zulia, Maracaibo, State of Zulia, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.


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How to Cite

Infante, P., Rujano, R., & Sáez, R. (2015). Grounded theory: a critical overview. Revista Trabajo Social, (13), 33–53. Retrieved from


