Memories, histories and city


  • María Teresa Uribe de Hincapié University of Antioquia


memory, violence, past, forgetfulness, conciliation, justice, repair


The article refers to the topic of the memory and repair of the victims of the armed conflicts. It supports that though the amnesties and pardons to the victimarios are necessary in the processes and agreements of peace, these must offer opportunities for the reconstruction of a collective memory that allows the people who have suffered the violence, find sense and explanation to his dramas. The authoress alludes to the singularity of the Colombian conflict and to the experiences of Medellìn, with agreements of demobilization and subjection to the justice, which emphasis has been in the agreements of pardon and forgetfulness, spending for high the memory of the victims and reconstruction of "their" truth. She wonders about the real possibility of starting processes with high doses of memory and truth for the victims and, finally, it raises that the truth is the starting point to construct the memory and the history of the city, and the creation of “memory politics” compete manly to the State, but also to the society

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Author Biography

María Teresa Uribe de Hincapié, University of Antioquia

Sociologist. Master's degree in regional urban planning from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín.  Professor and researcher at the Institute of Political Studies of the University of Antioquia.



How to Cite

Uribe de Hincapié, M. T. (2015). Memories, histories and city. Revista Trabajo Social, (1), 11–26. Retrieved from


