Lives and Memories: the Territories of Carabobo


  • Cristina Posada Restrepo Gobernación de Antioquia
  • Natalia Vanesa Congote Durango University of Antioquia


ciudad, territorialidad, sujetos, memoria


ith the urban transformation that is currently taking place in Medellín, the question about the memory and the territorial ownership of areas such as pasaje peatonal carabobo –which even before being submitted to a transformation process, had a strong historical significance that played a fundamental role in the development of the city–, brings into consideration the importance of the subject- space relationship within the configuration of the territory, and the dynamics of territorial ownership established by the subjects among themselves and with the environment, depending on the individual and collective experiences and the divergence and convergence aspects perceived over the course of their daily lives. This article summarizes the main topics of the degree thesis “Memory and Territorial ownership of carabobo”, by means of the exploration of the dynamics of territorial ownership taking place at the pasaje peatonal carabobo, seen under the scope of the historical importance of this area.
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How to Cite

Posada Restrepo, C., & Congote Durango, N. V. (2019). Lives and Memories: the Territories of Carabobo. Revista Trabajo Social, (20-21), 133–154. Retrieved from


