Toward a reinterpretation of the criticall theory: categorical analysis of Moishe Postone


  • Juan Diego Gonzáles University of Antioquia


Marxism, Moishe postone, critical theory, new readings of Marx


This article develops an approach to the reinterpretation of the critical categories of Karl Marx’s mature work undertaken by Moishe postone in his book Time, labor and social domination. The core of the postonian reading is grounded on the character and scope granted to the categories of the Marxian critique, not considered constitutive of a theory of material production but expressions of historically specific forms of capitalist social life. From this perspective, it’s possible to place the categorial analysis of Marx’s critical theory as a powerful alternative to comprehend modern society. The postonian reading allows characterizing it paradoxically as a modality of social formation in which personal dependences, typical of traditional societies, have faded away but, at the same time, domination adopts an abstract, impersonal and seemingly objective character. Thus, postone’s analysis reveals how in a capitalist society the possibilities of an emancipated social existence open up at the time they are blocked.

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Author Biography

Juan Diego Gonzáles, University of Antioquia

Philosopher from the University of Antioquia (Colombia); Master's in History from the National University of Colombia; Master in Social and Human Sciences from the University of Franche-comté (France); candidate for a Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina). doctoral fellow of the national council for scientific and technical research (conicet-Argentina). Latin American conicet fellow, PhD in Philosophy, UbA. email: This article constitutes a preview of the doctoral research “Historical dynamics and temporality in Karl Marx and Theodor W. Adorno”.


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How to Cite

Gonzáles, J. D. (2019). Toward a reinterpretation of the criticall theory: categorical analysis of Moishe Postone. Revista Trabajo Social, (16-17), 9–27. Retrieved from


