Literature as an impossible dialogue


  • Sebastián Chun Universidad de Buenos Aires


Deconstruction, writing, dialogue, logic, philosophy and literature


In this paper I reconstruct the critique made to Derrida´s thought by Rorty, Habermas and Gadamer. Their critique starting point is the assumed dissolution of the limits between philosophy and literature, in order to point out that once the metaphorical character is conceded every speech becomes
imposible. According to Derrida, the fact of rejecting the logocentrism would be a paradoxical proposal,
since his own philosophy would not escape from the reach of the metaphysical tradition. On our behalf, we
consider that Derrida himself asserts the impossibility of taking the step beyond metaphysics. Even though,
the difference between him and his detractors, in the ethical and political field, will reveal itself as relevant.
The option for another writing, another language and another philosophy will be a kind of hospitality
towards that other always to come, and not a lazy and self-complacent practice.

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Author Biography

Sebastián Chun, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Bachelor of Philosophy


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How to Cite

Chun, S. (2012). Literature as an impossible dialogue. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, (8), 9–23. Retrieved from


