Perceptual physiognomics and phenomenology of the body


  • Jairo Gutiérrez Avendaño Universidad de Antioquia


physiognomy, phenomenology, body, perception, structure, form, behavior


the primordial attitude that tries “to return its concrete physiognomy to the phenomenon” is the
crucial point to establish the possibility of propose a physiognomic phenomenology, that supports itself in
philosophy although does not exist as theory in this one. In this regard, the fact, more than implicit, that
exists a physiognomy on phenomenology is confirmed by the way in that perception takes place as an event
that originates the phenomenon and, precisely, while perception became, essentially ,in physiognomy; an
organic thinking that is settle on the living nerve of world
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Author Biography

Jairo Gutiérrez Avendaño, Universidad de Antioquia

Philosophy · Institute of Philosophy · University of Antioquia


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Avendaño, J. (2014). Perceptual physiognomics and phenomenology of the body. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, (5), 83–97. Retrieved from


