Some Considerations about the Relationship between Marxism and Christianity from Alasdair Macintyre's Proposal


  • Germán Augusto Beltrán Universidad Sergio Arboleda


marxism, christianity, Hegel, Marx, MacIntyre


The paper aims to research about conciliatory points in humanist development of Marxism and Christianity, through the proposal of Alasdair MacIntyre in which there is no antagonistic relationship among these two ways of thinking, but, instead, as the Hegel’s thought is a secular transformation of the Christian theology, the Marxism have a lot of characteristics of a Christian heresy. This address will be developed from the development of some History records, the relationship between Religion and State, one observation of the idea about Marxist Humanism and, finally, the comparison between Marxism and Christianity.

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Barceló R. (2011). MacIntyre y el Marxismo: Historia, Compromiso y Razones para la Acción. CRÍTICA, Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofía. 43(127): 77-87.

MacIntyre A. (2007). Marxismo y cristianismo. España: Nuevo Inicio.



How to Cite

Beltrán, G. A. . (2015). Some Considerations about the Relationship between Marxism and Christianity from Alasdair Macintyre’s Proposal. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, 1(5), 6–15. Retrieved from