One Approach to the Negative Dialectic of Theodor W. Adorno


  • Norman Jesús García Universidad del Valle


maieustics, dialectic, negative dialectic, the identical and the difference


This paper aims to look up the concept of Dialectic from the platonic tradition, which starts with Socrates, it passes through Plato and Aristotle, it arrives to the Middle Age with Thomas Aquinas, and it starts again with Hegel in posterior centuries, the thesis-antithesis-synthesis scheme. Instead, Karl Marx will examine the
social reality and he will understand it as a class conflict history, as a conflict between the exploited classes and the exploiter ones in the different states of their historic development. Under this analysis, I pretend to do a study to the negative dialectic as a criticism to the identifier thought. Adorno pursues the type of philosophy inaugurated by Hegel in a different situation: the dialectic movement of thought does not finish in a superior synthesis of the opposites, but that it leaves the contradictions along with all their rawness as instances of the real contradictions which exist in the reality.

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Marx, C. y Engels, F. (2000). Manifiesto del Partido Comunista. Londres: Ediciones

Marcuse, H. (1994). Razón y Revolución. Madrid: Altaya.

Morente, M. (2005). Lecciones Preliminares de FILOSOFIA. Bogotá: Ediciones Universales.



How to Cite

García, N. J. . (2015). One Approach to the Negative Dialectic of Theodor W. Adorno. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, 1(5), 35–46. Retrieved from