Humanitarian Interventions and their Problems of Legitimacy


  • Edwin Andrés Mejía Universidad de Antioquia
  • Óscar Daladier Osorio Universidad de Antioquia
  • José Daniel González Universidad de Antioquia
  • Juan Camilo Osorio Universidad de Antioquia


human rights, humanitarian intervention, humanitarian consequences, cultural relativism, sovereignty


In this paper are exposed some subjects with respect to the problem of the humanitarian interventions, which will be understood as that coactive, violent war form, through which a State does interference against other State in detriment his sovereignty, in order to safeguard the fundamental rights of individuals and thus avoid possible transgressions of this worldwide. Understanding thus the humanitarian interventions, it will expose some arguments in regard to his legitimacy or illegitimacy. This article is divided in three items: in the first and second items, it will work some arguments against and in favour of the humanitarian interventions, and, in the third item, it will work the subject concerning to the humanitarian consequences, which has to do with methods and moral conditions that could morally legitimize the use either force or violence against a State.

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How to Cite

Mejía, E. A. ., Osorio, Óscar D. ., González, J. D. ., & Osorio, J. C. . (2015). Humanitarian Interventions and their Problems of Legitimacy. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, 1(5), 47–56. Retrieved from