Which do Elements Constitute the Humanness in a Human Being? Human Being vs Person


  • Julián Fernando Sabogal Universidad El Bosque


human being, person, language, consciousness


In this paper I discuss the notion of human being by appealing only to physical or genetic traits, which are insufficient to understand the behavior or way of thinking of that species. From authors such as Primo Levi and Giorgio Agamben, mainly, I highlight the importance of understanding the distinction between what is to
be a "human being" and "human", completely different categories. I propose to understand the human taking as reference the consciousness, language, and the act, thus causing a debate in which the moral implications and ethical unveil new horizons of understanding and thinking on the matter of the human being. Taking into account the above, I set the difference between human being and person, since every person is a human being but not every human being is a person.

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Agamben, G. (1994). L’uomo senza contenuto. Italia: Edizioni Quolibet.

Bettelheim, B. (1943). Individual and Mass Behavior in Extreme Situations. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, XXXVIII, pp. 417-452.

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Levi, P. (1986). I sommersi e i salvati. Torino: Giulio Einaudi editore. Einaudi.



How to Cite

Sabogal, J. F. . (2015). Which do Elements Constitute the Humanness in a Human Being? Human Being vs Person. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, 2(6), 105–116. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/versiones/article/view/22539