The significance. Continuity and rupture in Wittgenstein. Between the Tractatus and the Philosophical Investigations


  • José Sebastián Castro Toro University of Antioquia


continuity, interpretation, Wittgenstein, context, use, development


In this article, I will discuse the continuity and the rupture in Wittgenstein’s thought, taking the Tractatus logico-philosophicus and the Philosophical investigations (Philosopische Untersuchungen) as points of comparison. The continuity will be explored through the elements which define, in both books, the significance of the words and propositions. Referentiality, orational context, situational context and use will be ideas that I will contrast between both works. It’s conclusion of this work that one can find in the Tractatus, making certain interpretation, the ideas which, lately, will be developed in the Investigations; but, also, that the evolution between both books can ́t be simplified and ignored. At the end, I will present a short overview of the studies about the continuity in Wittgenstein’s thought and I will place this article between them. I also make a critic to Jorge Ruiz (2010), who, in his article “La noción de “uso” en el Tractatus de Wittgenstein” develops a similar interpretation to the exposed in this article.

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Author Biography

José Sebastián Castro Toro, University of Antioquia

Letras: Filología Hispánica, Facultad de Comunicaciones, Universidad de Antioquia.


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How to Cite

Castro Toro, J. S. (2017). The significance. Continuity and rupture in Wittgenstein. Between the Tractatus and the Philosophical Investigations. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, (11), 88–100. Retrieved from


