Metacognition in animals? Carruthers' arguments against metacognitive tests


  • Sebastián Mejía Rendón University of Antioquia


metacognition, no-human animal, metarepresentation, metacognitive feelings


This paper reconstructs Peter Carruthers’s arguments for criticizing the test focused on the metacognitive capacities of non-humans animals. It is possible to discuss metacognition or there are other mechanisms that being is used by animals in the metacognitive test? This paper offers an overview about the dispute about the metacognitive capacities (metaperception and metamemory) of the animals. The structure of this paper is the following: the first part presents the most relevant arguments that Carruthers offers to discuss and criticize the experiments focused on animal metacognition. The second part it reconstructs the arguments against the Carruthers’s interpretation for explaining the metacognitive test. The third part it makes a balance between the Carruthers’s approach and his critic. Finally, the fourth part, in concluding that despite to the critics, the Carrtuhers’s arguments surpass these difficulties.

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Author Biography

Sebastián Mejía Rendón, University of Antioquia

Institute of Philosophy, University of Antioquia.


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How to Cite

Mejía Rendón, S. (2017). Metacognition in animals? Carruthers’ arguments against metacognitive tests. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, (12), 62–76. Retrieved from


