Validity of Marxist thought and criticism of modern law in the “crisis of moral objectivism”


  • Melissa Hincapié Ochoa University of Antioquia


law, marxism, pospositivism, criticism


The crisis that the postpositivists find in the conditions of the legal orderings of postwar period, is the same one postulated by the neoconstitucionalists. The first, however, have not sought those reasons the ones that obey to historical causes. It could be argued that both seek to transcend the sense of separation between law and morality. This crisis of the theory of law, refers to rethink the fundamental questions that are constituents of legal knowledge. The purpose is only one: to lead us through the Marxist critique of modern law in its understanding of Kelsen's theoretical purism, the foundations of the theory of law that have made possible the existence of an autonomous discipline of legal thought and its historical consequences, and its derivation necessary to the discussion between the legal “metatheories” to unravel that superficial that encourages them to think the philosophy of law as social transformation.

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Author Biography

Melissa Hincapié Ochoa, University of Antioquia

Faculty of Law, University of Antioquia.


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How to Cite

Hincapié Ochoa, M. (2019). Validity of Marxist thought and criticism of modern law in the “crisis of moral objectivism”. Versiones. Philosophy’s Journal, (14), 82–102. Retrieved from


