Influence of significant adults on goal orientations in physical education classes


  • Eduard Andrés Rodríguez Hernández Departmental Educational Institution Escuela Normal Superior María Auxiliadora
  • Diana Yaneth Villamizar Carrillo University of Pamplona
  • Víctor Miguel Ángel Burbano Pantoja Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia


Objective: To analyze the goal orientations, the intrinsic motivation and the perception of students about the success criteria of their parents and teachers in the physical education classes. Method: Descriptive study with quantitative methodology. For the analysis of the data, Spearman's Rho correlations matrices, crossed tables and Chi-square tests were used. Data were collected using the TEOSQ, IMI, TEOSQ + POSQ and TEOSQ adapted questionnaires. Results: Parents and teachers can have indirect influence on the goal orientations and influence in a significant and direct way the intrinsic motivation of students in physical education classes.

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How to Cite

Rodríguez Hernández, E. A., Villamizar Carrillo, D. Y., & Burbano Pantoja, V. M. Ángel. (2019). Influence of significant adults on goal orientations in physical education classes. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 7(4), 86–98. Retrieved from



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