Decisions and learning in the training of physical education teachers: putting metacognition into play



metacognition, physical education, tasks, learning patterns, autonomy


Objective: to know the learning patterns of students from the first years of the Physical Education Teaching Staff, and to analyze the metacognitive aspects involved in carrying out tasks that involved collaborative and active participation in decision-making. Method: the Vermunt Inventory of Learning Styles was administered to 190 students. Results: favorable trends were found for Non-Directed and Reproduction-Directed patterns. An unfavorable trend was found for Directed to Meaning. Academic tasks were designed to promote autonomy, collaborative work and a metacognitive analysis. Conclusion: the analyzes showed difficulties on the part of the students in recognizing how they elaborated the task, highlighting the collaborative work, the accompaniment of the teacher and the possibility of being autonomous.

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Author Biographies

María Laura de la Barrera, National University of Río Cuarto

Doctor in Psychology, Master in Neuropsychology, Master in Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology. Adjunct Professor at the National University of Río Cuarto. Professor of the Instituto Superior María Inmaculada.

Ana Elisa Riccetti, National University of Río Cuarto

Universidad Nacional de Río Cuar Doctor in Social Sciences, Degree in Physical Education. Professor of the National University of Río Cuarto


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How to Cite

de la Barrera, M. L., & Riccetti, A. E. (2020). Decisions and learning in the training of physical education teachers: putting metacognition into play. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 9(3), 63–75. Retrieved from



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