Training proposal based on coordinative capacities for Karate Do


  • Adriana Ordoñez Arias University of Antioquia
  • Mariluz Ortiz Uribe University of Antioquia


Sports training, Coordination capacities, Sports planning, Karate Do


Problem: the training and development of coordination skills is important in Karate Do, since it provides athletes with a repertoire of fundamental skills that facilitate the assimilation and mastery of different exercises, mainly technical. In addition, it gives the athlete the ability to act and to be able to solve the problem situations that arise during the development of the fight, which can be decisive in the result of a competition. Objective: to present a training proposal to develop coordination skills in Karate Do practitioners, combat modality, junior category (16-17 years old). Method: a training plan of 27 sessions was designed: 2 evaluations (test, post-test) and 25 training sessions 3 times a week for 9 weeks, aimed at improving coordination skills with support in specific technical actions of Karate Do. To this end, a battery of exercises was created to improve coordination (with expert opinion), each of which is described and illustrated with a video. When starting training it is necessary to know the strengths and weaknesses of the athletes; At the end, it is necessary to establish the effect of the training plan, comparing the results of the test and the post-test, so it is recommended to apply the complex motor test of Lorenzo-Caminero (2009) in the initial sessions (test) and final (post-test). Results: the battery of exercises, the training plan to improve coordination in Karate Do athletes and the way to evaluate its effectiveness are presented. Conclusion: the advancement of sports training as a knowledge based on science, implies testing, evaluating, the techniques, programs and applied methods, to obtain evidence and make decisions based on objective data.

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Author Biographies

Adriana Ordoñez Arias, University of Antioquia

Sports Training Student. University Institute of Physical Education and Sports - University of Antioquia.

Mariluz Ortiz Uribe, University of Antioquia

Degree in Physical Education, Specialist in Sports Training, Master in Physical Education and Sports. Teacher at the University Institute of Physical Education and Sports, Universidad de Antioquia.


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How to Cite

Ordoñez Arias, A., & Ortiz Uribe, M. (2021). Training proposal based on coordinative capacities for Karate Do. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 10(4), 25–53. Retrieved from



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