Assessment of physical abilities in Colombian schoolchildren using Visual Studio software


  • Gledis Eliana Acevedo Osorio San Buenaventura University
  • Enoc Valentín González Palacio University of Antioquia


Physical education, Physical condition, Anthropometric evaluation, Body Mass Index


Introduction: the article shows the incorporation to the Physical Education class of a software with a user interface created with Visual Studio and the database in SQL, which allows the collection, calculation and processing of information on the physical condition of the students, becoming a tool to support teaching and decision-making. Objective: to relate the physical capacities and the Body Mass Index in schoolchildren from an Educational Institution in Medellín, Colombia, supported by Visual Studio software. Method: descriptive correlative study in which variables of physical condition and Body Mass Index of the group of schoolchildren were associated. Results: there were statistically significant differences in cardiovascular endurance, (p <0.05), where men show a better performance in this test compared to women. There were positive correlations between the speed in 20 meters thrown with the evaluation of the explosive force in the upper body and the speed in 50 meters in the girls; in children, a negative correlation was obtained between the 50-meter speed test and flexibility. Conclusion: in the investigated group, BMI does not seem to be a determining variable when related to physical capacities; on the other hand, the use of Visual Studio software proved to be a very useful tool in the information management process.

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Author Biographies

Gledis Eliana Acevedo Osorio, San Buenaventura University

Master of Education, Universidad San Buenaventura

Enoc Valentín González Palacio, University of Antioquia

Doctor of Education. Research professor, University of Antioquia.


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How to Cite

Acevedo Osorio, G. E., & González Palacio, E. V. (2021). Assessment of physical abilities in Colombian schoolchildren using Visual Studio software. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 10(4), 54–72. Retrieved from



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