Evaluation of conditional and coordinative capacities in students of the 2nd cycle of primary education in the provinces of the Argentine Republic


  • Sergio Gustavo Córdoba Universidad FASTA
  • Mauro Chaparro Universidad FASTA
  • Marcela Natal Universidad FASTA
  • Luengo Nahuel Universidad FASTA
  • Alejandro De Brandi Universidad FASTA
  • José Ravasi Universidad FASTA
  • Romina Casado Universidad FASTA
  • Santiago Rossin Universidad FASTA


Physical education, Schoolchildren, Conditional abilities, Coordinative abilities


Objective: to evaluate the conditional and coordinative capacities in students from 9 to 11 years old who attend the second cycle of primary education in the provinces of the Argentine Republic. Method: observational, descriptive, cross-sectional research, with a qualitative-quantitative, multivariate analysis of extensive and prospective samples. The data collection was carried out between September 2017 and December 2019. To carry out the measurements, professional evaluators of Physical Education, students and graduates of the Bachelor of Physical Education at FASTA University participated. Since its distribution is heterogeneous in the country, this allowed the database to be representative. Results: descriptive statistical analyzes were carried out, as well as analyzes to identify whether there were significant differences between various tests in each of the school grades, disaggregated in both sexes. In parallel, a principal component analysis (PCA) was performed in order to simplify the complexity of many dimensions in the sample. Conclusion: the study produced a database on the physical condition of schoolchildren. This information is very useful for educational and health authorities in order to undertake preventive and improvement actions in this population, based on the evidence reported.

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Author Biographies

Marcela Natal , Universidad FASTA

Magister Scientiae in Biometrics (Statistics) from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). Mathematics Professor (Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences of the National University of Mar del Plata UNMdP) with exclusive, regular dedication to the Applied Mathematics area. Graduate Professor in careers at UNMdP and UBA. Adjunct researcher at the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the FASTA University.

Luengo Nahuel , Universidad FASTA

PhD in Physical Culture Sciences (University of Physical Culture and Sports Sciences - Havana, Cuba). Degree in Physical Education and Sport. University Professor (National University of José C. Paz). Professor and Adjunct Researcher, FASTA University. Athlete of the Argentine Athletics team, twice world finalist, 9 times Argentine champion in track, cross and mountain events. Referee reviewer of the MEDICC Review International Journal of Medicine. Referee reviewer of the International Magazine edited by the Institute of Physical Education of the University of Antioquia, Colombia.

Alejandro De Brandi , Universidad FASTA

Professor in Physical Education from the ISFD 19 and Graduate in Physical Education from the FASTA University. He is director and teacher of subjects in the UFASTA Physical Education Degree, specializing in training, pedagogy and didactics of Physical Education. He is the director of the Department of Physical Education of the Juan Gutenberg Institute of Mar del Plata, at the Initial, Elementary School and Secondary School levels. Responsible for all extracurricular sports activities of the institution: pre-sports games workshops, Life in and with Nature workshop, Artistic Gymnastics and Handball Teams. President of the Association of Physical Education Professionals of Gral. Pueyrredón (APEF Gral. Pueyrredón). Adjunct researcher at the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the FASTA University.

José Ravasi , Universidad FASTA

Graduate and University Professional in Librarianship and Documentation. Librarian at the Faculty of Engineering of the National University of Mar del Plata. Professor at the Faculty of Humanities of the National University of Mar del Plata and the FASTA University. Adjunct researcher at the Faculty of Education Sciences of the FASTA University. Professional dedicated to knowledge and information management, manager of information units and libraries, trainer in technology-mediated education.

Romina Casado , Universidad FASTA

Degree in Physical Education from the FASTA University (Training Orientation). Professor in Physical Education by the Higher Institute of Teacher Training N ° 84. Level I of the I.S.A.K. (International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry). Research Assistant Graduated from the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the FASTA University. First assistant for practical work in the subject "Biomechanical Analysis of Sports Gesture" of the Physical Education Degree cycle of the FASTA University. Member of physical rehabilitation teams National Institute of Psychophysical Rehabilitation of the South for people with neuromotor and/or visceral disabilities.

Santiago Rossin, Universidad FASTA

Degree in Physical Education from the FASTA University. Professor of Physical Education at the Instituto Superior de Formación Docente No. 84. First assistant for practical work in the subject "Evaluation and control of sports performance" of the Physical Education Degree cycle of the FASTA University. Member of physical rehabilitation teams National Institute of Psychophysical Rehabilitation of the South for people with neuromotor and/or visceral disabilities.


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How to Cite

Córdoba, S. G., Chaparro, M., Natal , M., Nahuel , L., De Brandi , A., Ravasi , J., Casado , R., & Rossin, S. (2022). Evaluation of conditional and coordinative capacities in students of the 2nd cycle of primary education in the provinces of the Argentine Republic. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 11(3), 32–65. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/viref/article/view/348411



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