Analysis of the potential of Goubak as an alternative sport



Values, Attitudes, Content, Game, Physical Education


Introduction: Goubak is an alternative sport created in 2016, characterized by its opposition-regulated collaboration components, mixed participation and innovation for Physical Education classes. Through its practice, a multitude of values ​​​​such as teamwork and inclusion can be developed and acquired. Objective: to carry out a compilation of those documents related to Goubak, identified in different databases during the month of January 2023, in order to establish the potential of Goubak in the area of ​​​​Physical Education. Results and conclusions: Goubak is characterized by its easy implementation and development in the classroom, it allows to work on and develop positive values ​​​​and attitudes towards inclusion, as well as the development of the main basic motor skills of students, so the teacher could use and include said content as a tool to promote and work on the proposed objectives. Likewise, it is recommended to use different teaching models for learning, such as the Sports Education Model, Teaching Games for Understanding or Cooperative Learning, which will allow participating students to increase their tactical awareness and understanding of the internal logic of the game, not only in this modality, but in all those in which these models are applied and require knowledge and skills similar to those of Goubak.

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How to Cite

Tienza-Valverde, A., Hernández-Beltrán, V., Manso-Lorenzo, V., Fraile-García, J., & Gamonales, J. M. (2024). Analysis of the potential of Goubak as an alternative sport. VIREF Revista De Educación Física, 13(3), 28–36. Retrieved from



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