OPEN AND PERMANENT SEMINAR ON LIBRARY: A commitment to research training
Research, training, epistomology, construction, knowledge, debate of ideasAbstract
The creation and development of an Open and Permanent Seminar in Library Science in the Interamerican School of Library Science in Medellín constitutes the first experience and the initial phase in the consolidation of a “program of theoretical research in library science” designed to energize and orient production of theoretical research in the area. The purpose of this proposal for an open and permanent seminar was to strengthen the culture of research that would permit an autonomous and free exposition of ideas or works of reflection; the creation of some research proposals on the part of students, graduates, and professors in the School of Library Science; the motivation to work in interdisciplinary teams; and the contribution of pedagogical training in research. By this means, extracurricular activities such as these open and permanent seminars constitute a valuable tool for training in research as well as theoretical and epistemological reflection in the field of library knowledge.
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