Memories of the Popular and Community Libraries of the Northwest Zone, Medellin-Antioquia




Popular-community libraries, Northwestern zone, Medellín, collective memories, neighborhoods, popular culture


In this text it is presented the results of the research project Neighborhood and Library. Collective memories in the constitution of Zone Two northwestern of Medellín [Barrio y Biblioteca. Memo-rias colectivas en la constitución barrial de la Zona dos del Noroccidente de Medellín], the characteristics of its methodological approach, the voices of librarians and some leaders and inhabitants of the neighborhoods, finally some reflections. It is concluded, among other aspects that, the neighborhoods configuration of the northwestern zone of Medellin describes of historical-community process desig-ned by its inhabitants with strong collective convictions; popular and community libraries, in these neighborhoods were containers or protectors of significant numbers of chil-dren and young people in the city, in a context of violence, drug trafficking, addictions, and “no future”; the libraries participated in the formation of leaders and librarians who were committed in to use the books, reading, libraries and, in general, the registered memory, tools and means for social in-teraction, the recognition of humanity and solidarity, fixing on their inhabitant’s memory the wish of a different city, the desire to live in its neighborhoods without fear, violence and exclusion.

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Author Biographies

Nathalia Quintero Castro, University of Antioquia

Professor and researcher at the Interamerican School of Librarianship, Universidad de Antioquia, member of the Information, Knowledge and Society group. Graduate in History and Philosophy. Specialist in Political Culture: Pedagogy of Human Rights. Master in Habitat. PhD student in Geography.

Jaime Alberto Bornacelly Castro, University of Antioquia

Professor and researcher at the Inter-American School of Librarianship, University of Antioquia, member of the Information, Knowledge and Society group. Political scientist of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, librarian and master in Socio-spatial Studies of the Universidad de Antioquia.


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Gómez-Ramírez, H. (2014). Los desafíos en la coproducción de conocimiento. En A. Colak, et al., Nuestras voces sobre seguridad humana en Medellín (pp. 1-32). Medellín: UdeA-INER.

Gómez, L. V. (2016). En Barrio y Biblioteca. Memorias colectivas en la configuración del noroccidente de Medellín. Medellín: Corporación Sembrando Futuro.

Hernández, J. F. (2015). Un barrio entre la niebla. En Alcaldía de Medellín, El libro de los barrios (pp. 348-355). Medellín: Secretaría de Cultura Ciudadana, Universo Centro.

Montoya-Cossio, E. A. (2005). Parroquia Santa María del Carmen y Organización Social en la configuración del Barrio 12 de Octubre (1970-1990). [Trabajo de Grado para optar el título de historiador]. Medellín: Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, Departamento de Historia. Universidad de Antioquia.

Mires-Ortiz, A. (2015). Esa luz de más adentro. Prólogos de la Enciclopedia Campesina de Cajamarca. (1.a ed.) Perú: Red de Bibliotecas Rurales de Cajamarca.

Restrepo-Correa, A. (2010). Santander. La mejor esquina de Medellín. Acciones colectivas de investigación social para la identidad y la memoria. Medellín: Departamento de Sociología, Universidad de Antioquia.

Spitaletta, R. (2016). ¿Barrios de edificios o edificios sin barrio? Un recorrido por viejos y nuevos paisajes urbanos, y una agonía. En: Barrio y Biblioteca. Memorias colectivas en la configuración del noroccidente de Medellín.Editorial: Rocco Editores.



How to Cite

Quintero Castro, N., & Bornacelly Castro, J. A. (2018). Memories of the Popular and Community Libraries of the Northwest Zone, Medellin-Antioquia. Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecología, 41(1), 37–53.




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