Use of Bibliometric Techniques in Environmental Health Research in Latin America 2000-2009


  • Faustino Moreno Ceja University of Guadalajara
  • María del Rocío Zumaya Leal University of Guadalajara
  • María Elena Ceballos Monterrubio University of Guadalajara



School Library, school collections, technological tools, government school library initiatives


The environmental health subject has a significant growth in the international scientific production. The aim of this study was to characterize the generation of scientific papers in the field of environmental health for Latin America, over a period of 10 years. The methodology involved the use of bibliometric techniques. The results show that there are 1219 documents on the topic. Of these, 83.23% were produced by Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile and Colombia. The preferred language of publication is English, with 81.30% of the items, Spanish and Portuguese share equal figures, with a presence of 9,11%. The typology found indicates that 72.11% of the items were journal articles, 14.27% conference proceedings and 10.05% review articles. It is emphasized that all countries produce more than 60%. Other indicators show that Chile has the best average in citations per document, 8.02%.

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Author Biographies

Faustino Moreno Ceja, University of Guadalajara

PhD and Master in Documentation from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M). Master in Library and Information Science from the University of Guanajuato. Agricultural Engineer from the University of Guadalajara (UdeG). Full Research Professor at the UdeG.

María del Rocío Zumaya Leal, University of Guadalajara

PhD and Master in Documentation, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M). Degree in Sociology, University of Guadalajara. University Center of Biological and Agricultural Sciences. Department of Environmental Sciences UdeG.

María Elena Ceballos Monterrubio, University of Guadalajara

Master's Degree in Information Science and Knowledge Management, Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. B.S. in Computer Science, Instituto Tecnológico Regional de Colima. Assistant Technical Unit, Coordination of Libraries, University of Guadalajara.


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How to Cite

Moreno Ceja, F., Zumaya Leal, M. del R., & Ceballos Monterrubio, M. E. (2018). Use of Bibliometric Techniques in Environmental Health Research in Latin America 2000-2009. Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecología, 41(1), 71–79.




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