Morphological traits of phytoplankton in six lentic systems of the Amazonian, Andean, and Caribbean regions of Colombia
functional morphology, phytoplankton, surface, volumeAbstract
We analyzed the morphological features of volume, maximum linear dimension, and area: volume ratio of phytoplankton assemblages of six lentic systems of different origin and morphology, including mountain lakes and floodplain lakes, all located in the Amazonian, Andean, or Caribbean regions of Colombia. In Colombia, studies of
the structure of phytoplankton assemblages conducted from the viewpoint of morphological traits are scarce and those that have been conducted have favored high mountain lakes, was very few conducted in floodplain lakes. The objective of this study was to analyze the variability of morphological attributes and strategies of phytoplankton in six lentic systems. We found that in shallow, turbid, and warm environments, organisms were characterized by a high S/V, and presented mucilage and specialized traits such as flagella, heterocites, and aerotopes: in contrast, in deep, clear, or lower temperature environments, phytoplankton predominated that were large and with few categorical or special traits, revealing morphological differences in assemblages of phytoplankton from systems influenced by different sources, types, and hydroclimatology.
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