Can soil physicochemical characteristics affect the presence of Bacillus thuringiensis spores?


  • Paul Maduell Corporation for Biological Research
  • Gemma Armengol Autonomous University of Barcelona
  • Sergio Orduz Corporation for Biological Research



Bacillus thuringiensis, ecology, Colombia, mathematic models, soil physiochemical characteristics


One hundred and one soil samples from several departments of Colombia were collected; for each of them, 14 different physicochemical variables were evaluated, along with the presence and number of Bacillus thuringiensis spores, and a statistical study was performed. No simple regression between each of the variables and the presence of B. thuringiensis spores was found, suggesting that the relationship between B. thuringiensis spores and soil must be complex. By multiple regression, however, three models with several variables were found. Moreover, Logit regression analysis revealed another model that might allow to correlate the presence of B. thuringiensis spores with some physicochemical variables in a given soil sample. In all models, soil pH was the most important factor. Even though soil pH had no effect by itself, the combination of soil pH along with other variables, such as CEC, nutrient availability (Ca, Mg, K), clay content and soil texture, had an effect on B. thuringiensis biology. The models found in the present study represent novel tools that could facilitate the understanding the ecology of B. thuringiensis.

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How to Cite

Maduell, P., Armengol, G., & Orduz, S. (2017). Can soil physicochemical characteristics affect the presence of Bacillus thuringiensis spores?. Actualidades Biológicas, 27(82), 8.



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