Preliminary morphological and histological study of the pituitary of parapitinga alevins, Piaractus brachypomus (Cuvier) (Characidae)
alevin, development, parapitinga, Piaractus brachypomus, pituitary, teleostAbstract
Piaractus brachypomus is a species of great economic importance in Colombia. The purpose of this study is to accomplish an analysis at the histological and anatomical level of alevin pituitary of this species. We realized sagittal and transversal cuts of 5 and 7 μm of 20 alevin pituitaries for a histological and three-dimensional reconstruction
studies. The pituitary of these specific alevins is located in the ventral zone of the brain, posterior to the optic chiasm, partially integrated by connective and nervous tissues between the nucleus tuberalis ventralis (Tv) and hypotalamus periventriculares caudalis (Hc). The pituitary contains basophils with large and non-centric nuclei, as well as chromophobes (C) with small nuclei and unstained cytoplasm. There is no presence of acidophils (A); however, blood flow reaches all parts of the pituitary. Discrepancies between our study and that of literature are attributed to glandular immaturity.
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